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AGL System Architecture Team (SAT) Charter

The following sections constitute the charter of the Automotive Grade Linux System Architecture Team (AGL SAT or short SAT). The initial version of this charter is created by the SAT. It may be amended and modified from time to time by the SAT as required to fulfill the SAT's mission. The initial charter and all changes require the approval of the Automotive Grade Linux Steering Committee (AGL SC or short SC).


The mission of the SAT is the stewardship of the AGL technical architecture. The SAT designs and implements the overall architecture for the AGL reference hardware and software solutions. Through the combined expertise of its members the SAT provides the scope and technical definition. There are three aspects to this mission:

  • to document and build consensus around the principles of AGL solutions architecture and to interpret and clarify these principles when necessary;
  • to resolve issues involving architecture and design;
  • to facilitate and coordinate cross-technology architecture development inside and outside of AGL.

Terms and Definitions

  • System - A software system is a system of intercommunicating components based on software forming part of a computer system (a combination of hardware and software).
  • Subsystem - Vertical slice of similar functionalities through the system, for instance a
  • Element - Partition of the architecture or particular architecture view. An Element can be a Subsystem, a Component, a Layer.
  • Component - A software component is a software element that conforms to a component model and can be independently deployed and composed without modification according to a composition standard.
  • Layer - Horizontal partition of the architecture such as HMI, kernel, middleware, service layer

Tasks and Responsibilities

The SAT's tasks and responsibilities are focused on the delivery of the AGL reference hardware and software solutions. They include

  • Review and analysis of use cases and requirements provided by the SC member companies. Provide feedback to the SC.
  • Allocation of requirements to architectural elements
  • Development and review of functional and non-functional requirements and software requirements specifications for elements in cooperation with the Expert Groups
  • Review and analysis of API definitions in cooperation with the Expert Groups
  • Definition of the overall architectures for the reference hardware and software solutions
  • Identifiy reusable elements within and outside of the context of AGL to enable broader collaboration

Roles and Functions

Core Members

The SAT shall have at least 5 but no more than 10 Core Members. The initial Core Members are invited through an open invitation to join the SAT from the SC Coordinator to the SC. SC members may nominate themselves or others to join the SAT. Only employees of the SC member companies are eligible for Core Member.

Core Members remain members of the SAT for the period of a one year term. After that they can nominate themselves or may be nominated by the SC for another term. If there are more than 10 nominations for Core Member the SC will appoint them through consensus or vote.

There can only be one Core Member from the same company.

Expert Group Members

Each Expert Group (EG) is represented on the SAT by their technical lead. SAT membership from the EG may change dynamically as EGs are created and dissolved or as the technical leadership of the EG changes.

Since multiple Expert Groups can be chaired by individuals from Core Member Companies and/or from the same company it is acceptable to have more than one individual from a company to be an Expert Group member.


The Chairperson is elected by the Core Members for the term of one year. Core Members may nominate themselves or other Core Members for the position of the Chairperson.

The Chairperson's role is the organizational coordination of the SAT. This includes these tasks:

  • call and lead the SAT meetings
  • represent the SAT at meetings of other AGL bodies such as but not limited to the SC
  • report to the SC on SAT activities
  • provide feedback from the SC to the SAT
  • coordinate SAT decision making and consensus
  • represent the SAT to other organizations by mandate of the SC

Concerning all other tasks and responsibilities the Chairperson is considered equal to the other Core Members.

Scope of Activity

Architectural Recommendations

Decision Making and Consensus

Decision making of the SAT follows the Cooperative Consensus Model. The Members, Core Members and Expert Group Members, of the SAT shall strive to reach the best possible decision for the benefit of AGL and its goals. If the Members cannot agree on a common decision, the Core Members may vote. The winning vote requires a 2/3 majority of the core members.

Issue Resolution

Facilitation and Coordination of Cross-organizational Architecture Work


  • Identification of business and technical drivers and non-functional requirements that the solutions need to satisfy e.g. security, modifiability and adaptability of the solutions to member companies' goals, trade-off between performance and adaptability, availability/reliability to optimize system uptime
  • Quality attributes, non-functional requirements, structure → SC
  • Documents and tools: Enterprise Architect, output formats, wiki, diagram editing, modeling tools, collaboration environment





The initial SAT meeting plan is as follows:

  • The SAT will hold a regularly scheduled distributed meeting at least every other week.
  • The SAT will organize occasional face-to-face meetings.
  • The SAT may organize workshops to explore particular architectural challenges.
agl-sat-charter.1406572834.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/07/28 18:40 by RudolfStreif