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Meeting Notes for AGL IVI Expert Group

May 2, 2024

Attendees: Walt, Joel, Jan-Simon, Scott, Marius, Jake, Justin, Lisandro, Jonathan, Matt

  • App Store POC
    • Project charter. Create an overall Epic for the project and a subproject for the App Store POC. Joel has a Google doc that we can transfer to Confluence as a place to manage the project requirements and architecture,
    • Walt will set up a meeting between Toyota and Honda after next week to discuss collaboration
  • Discussed Open Mobile Hub and their current status and roadmap. Questions about how large a team will be required to achieve their goals and what their business plan is to get there. They stopped by the CES booth and talked to Joel and Lorenzo. They are at least two years away from Flutter/Dart support. We are open to supporting them but not sure how at this time.
  • Joel discussed his Wayland Clibrary, [[
eg-ivi/meetings.1714668246.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/05/02 16:44 by wminer