//**This Project is now complete. This page is maintained as an archive.** // ==== Project Name ==== Tizen IVI Gap Analysis ==== Repo Name ==== N/A ==== Description ==== Describe the goals and outcomes of the project. Analyze gaps in reference AGL platform (Tizen 3.0) to a typical Automotive IVI feature requirements Background:\\ Give a better view to AGL platform adopters on what is missing in the AGL reference platform . ==== Scope ==== What is the scope of the project? Some things to consider:\\ - Is there specific hardware or a specific configuration being targeted.\\ - Is there anything expressly out of scope for this project?\\ There are a number of different gap analysis targets that have been considered. - Gap between AGL spec 0.82 and a "typical IVI system" - Gap between AGL spec 0.82 and GENIVI 6 - Gap between AGL spec 0.82 and JLR Use cases - ==== Resources Committed (developers committed to working) ==== The [[eg-gap|Gap Analysis Expert Group]] owns this project. Proposed by: Dean Miles (Symphony Teleca) Committed Resources: Formatted as Real Name (email address). For example: John Doe (johndoe@company.com) ==== Initial Committers ==== Formatted as Real Name (email address). For example: John Doe (johndoe@company.com) ==== Vendor Neutral ==== If this proposal is coming from an existing proprietary codebase, have you ensured that all proprietary trademarks, logos, product names, etc. have been removed? Please specify. ==== Meets Board Policy (including IPR) ==== Yes/No ==== Project Status Reports ==== Proposed: 26 June 2014\\ Approved by Steering Committee: TBD Progress: 08 Sep 2014: Top 10 in initial SC rating. Move to new proposal page. 20 June 2015: Project considered complete now that spec 1.0 released